Civil Engineering
Our Services
Civil Engineering Services
BHA has extensive experience in design, construction administration, management, and observation for civil engineering projects, including water, wastewater, roadway, and drainage systems improvements. BHA oversees all phases of construction for these projects, including preconstruction meetings; daily reporting of construction activities; monitoring construction for compliance with plans and specifications; measurement of quantities; preparing partial pay estimates and change orders; working through construction problems in the field; reporting to design engineer; meetings with Engineer, Contractor, and Owner to discuss project; and preparation of Record Drawings. Our Civil Engineers have decades of experience in the design of all types of public works projects. Our engineering design services include:
Water Treatment Systems
Water Distribution Systems
Water Supply
Water Storage
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater Collection Systems/Pump Stations
NPDES Permitting
Landfill Permitting, Design, Inspection and Construction Staking
Building Site Design
Utility Relocation
Gas Distribution Systems
Street and Highway Construction/Reconstruction
Wastewater Collection Systems/Pump Stations
Bridge Design
Subdivision Design
Environmental Services
BHA provides Environmental Services by professionals with years of environmental experience who thoroughly understand State and Federal regulations, as well as NEPA requirements. Our environmental services include:
Lead Risk Assessment
Lead-Based Paint Inspection
Asbestos Inspection
Phase I-Environmental Site Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Impact Statement
Various NEPA Compliance Studies
Environmental Review Record
Storm Water Management

Louisiana Community Development Block Grant
BHA has been involved in the Louisiana Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) program for more than 35 years. BHA has been the engineering design professional for more than 70 infrastructure projects funded through the CDBG Public Facilities Program, the CDBG Demonstrated Needs Program, and the CDBG Economic Development Program for a total dollar volume of approximately $25 million, which assisted 16 separate communities. BHA has significant experience in implementing and managing all phases of CDBG projects from initial project application to closeout audit requirements.